Welcome to Our World of Wonders!

For more than three decades, our small but mighty brick-and-mortar store has stood as a majestic cornerstone of downtown Sullivan, Missouri, at 134 W Main Street, 63080. We've been the heart of our community, bringing joy, passion, and collectibles to life in a way that only we know how.

Unlocking Hidden Treasures
We're not just a store; we're an adventure waiting to happen! As a haven for hobbyists, gift enthusiasts, and collectors, we've got your passion covered. From the thrill of vintage autographed sports memorabilia to the cozy charm of home décor that warms your heart, we're your one-stop shop for the extraordinary.

A Collector's Paradise
Do you have a collector's spirit within you? Dive into our treasure trove of curiosities, where you'll discover a world of rare finds and timeless collectibles. We specialize in trading card games, comics, and books, turning your leisure into an epic journey.

At the heart of Sullivan's vibrant downtown, we've stood the test of time and will continue to serve our beloved community. Our story is intertwined with yours, and we're here to make memories, spark curiosity, and create excitement in your life.

Come visit us and embark on a shopping adventure filled with the unexpected. We can't wait to welcome you to our family and share our passion for the extraordinary.

Join us in celebrating over three decades of wonder, at The Surprise Shop